Lenny Grover
Following the data wherever it leads...
I have always had a strong interest in the financial markets, and worked as an Investment professional in venture capital for over three years. During that time, I realized that there was a big difference between the disciplined, data-driven, analytical, investment process employed by many successful professional investors and the way that most investors manage their investments. I built the Screener.co equity research platform, and wrote Risk/Upside Analysis, to empower investors with a low-cost tool and set of frameworks to help them make better investment decisions.
Screener.co was released into beta at the first annual LAUNCH conference in San Francisco in February 2011 and was selected to participate in the 2011 MassChallenge incubator program. Clients range from accomplished professional investors to individual investing enthusiasts, and the company has been featured in VentureBeat, Xconomy, and Tradestreaming.
Risk/Upside Analysis is available in print from Amazon.
Feel free to reach out to me on the social networks in the Connect section, or send me an e-mail, if you would like to connect.Published Articles
Remembering Where We Came From Is Key to Restarting America’s Growth Engine
"The choice is clear: We can either come together to reinvest in growth and maintain our leadership in an increasingly competitive global economy — or we can take profits and fall behind."
It's useful to look at the history of the telecommunications industry to understand why the principle of Net neutrality is so important.
"The argument for Net neutrality is about more than politics. It's about promoting innovation, supporting the growth of high-tech industry and keeping the Internet free and open."
The ridiculous 'accredited investor' rule keeps many of us from the best investments, while the government allows everybody to waste their money on lottery tickets.
"Democratizing access to private investment opportunities would benefit investors by providing them with a wider range of opportunities. It would also aid company executives, who would see more competition for investments in their companies, and investment managers, who could solicit a wider pool of investors. In addition, it would promote new business formation and growth."
Public pension plans are vastly underfunded and imperil state and local budgets over the long-term.
"In total, my calculations show over a $1.1 trillion unfunded liability in the 120 state and local plans excluding any unfunded liabilities in additional local plans within each state for which data is unavailable."
A tax code that incentivizes indefinite foreign re-investment, relative to capital repatriation, is indefensibly bad public policy with an uncertain future
"US-headquartered multinational companies have accumulated hundreds of billions of dollars (>$630B from the Dow 30) of “undistributed foreign earnings” not subject to US taxes unless and unless repatriated."
Risk/Upside Analysis
A framework for making profitable investment decisions
Risk/Upside Analysis:
A Framework for Making Profitable Investment Decisions
Risk/Upside Analysis presents a clear and concise framework to help investors make better investment decisions. Author Lenny Grover draws upon his background in venture capital and his experience developing Screener.co, a web-based equity research platform, to present a holistic framework for evaluating businesses, their financial statements, and their securities. Following a thorough discussion of how to evaluate public company stocks, Risk/Upside Analysis then demonstrates how similar frameworks can be applied to other asset classes, securities, and investment decisions.
Risk/Upside Analysis can bring a novice investor up to speed in less than 200 pages, while giving even very experienced investors a lot to think about. If you are interested in learning more about how to make better investments, this is the book for you.
More things I am working on.
Screner.co is the most powerful global equity research platform. With more depth than any other web-based equity screening tool and a more intuitive interface than Bloomberg EQS, Screener.co is the best way to identify investment opportunities in the public markets.
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Copyright 2013, Lenny Grover